I’m not even joking guys!! This is one of the tastiest pizza’s I’ve had in a loooong time and its not even from a place that specialises in pizza! The pictures don’t do it justice cause the lighting was yellow-ish but BOY WAS IT A DELIGHT. Ok, you may think I’m exaggerating but I’m not. You know that feeling when you spend money on food and feel 100% content with spending it? That’s how I felt. This is the SMOKED CHICKEN JALAPEÑO PIZZA from The Vegas Studio and I recommend you to try it asap. In fact, everything I tried there was a 10/10 and its been soooo long since I ate at a place where everything i ordered was amazin. I’m definitely going there again soon!! It was Rs. 875 ish and a 10/10! Will be posting about the other dishes too but this pizza deserved a special one 😅